Inari Medical to Acquire LimFlow, Boosting Access to Revolutionary CLTI Treatment

LimFlow SA, a company renowned for its innovative approach in the field of minimally invasive treatments for chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI), a severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease, has recently announced a pivotal agreement to be acquired by Inari Medical. This acquisition is a significant event in the MedTech industry, especially for those focusing on the treatment of venous and related diseases.
The LimFlow System, a groundbreaking technology for Transcatheter Arterialization of the Deep Veins (TADV), stands at the forefront of this acquisition. Designed to reestablish blood flow in deep veins, the system offers a lifeline for “no-option” CLTI patients. These are patients who have exhausted all other endovascular or surgical treatment options and are facing the dire prospect of major amputation. The acquisition by Inari Medical is poised to increase patient access to this innovative system.
The FDA’s approval of the LimFlow System in September 2023, which was a result of the successful outcomes observed in the PROMISE II pivotal trial, adds to the significance of this acquisition. The trial, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, showed remarkable results: 76% of the no-option CLTI patients were able to avoid amputation and experienced progressive wound healing, along with significant pain relief following the treatment. This approval marks the LimFlow System as the first and only FDA-approved device for TADV.
This acquisition, therefore, represents a strategic move by Inari Medical to diversify and strengthen its portfolio in the MedTech space, while providing a broader range of treatment options to patients suffering from CLTI and related vascular diseases. It underscores a shared vision and commitment to innovation and patient care in the evolving landscape of medical technology.
For more details on this acquisition, view the full article here.